DIY Tabletop Fire Bowl

Spring is here and that means hanging out more on the back patio. While I love the outdoors, I hate the Texas mosquitos and depending on the winter we had, often determines the size and how early you can expect to see those little “suckers”. I’ve tried just about everything, and while I don’t mind covering myself in bug spray, sometimes I don’t necessarily want to feel like I just walked through a decontamination hazard spray room.

So when I saw that the viral pots at Walmart were back in stock, I went to work!

This was probably one of the easier DIY items I’ve created in a while. All you need is some torch fuel, a refillable torch canister, some rock or terrarium filler, and of course…the ceramic planter of your choice.

It’s cute, it’s functional, it keeps the bugs away! What else do you need? You can see exactly how I made it, by watching my REEL here on Insta.

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